--> DIVERSI-DIAL (16 dialers online now)
Welcome to the DDial online community. Diversi-Dial has been with us since the early 80's and is still alive and active today! From vintage systems to new modern remakes, the DDial community is active on several different platforms. This official homepage is the hub for all DDialers and STS'ers to come together as a community to share the past, DDial in the present, and take part in the future as DDial continues to evolve into the modern world. Read More
If you are new to DDial, you're just in time. Even though DDial is nearly 40 years old, new and exciting things are emerging in our community. Get caught up on what DDial is, then select an Active DDial below and get started; everyone is welcome within this community and we look forward to meeting you.
There are currently 16 Users connected on the stations below.
All active DDials below with this Icon are Linked Together on our network for group chat.
Help support us... by simply logging in to one of the DDials below from time to time, Signup here as a member, Join our Facebook groups, and be sure to attend our Meetup's, even if just for a few minutes to say hello. Oh, and don't forget to sign the Guestbook as a member or a r0.
Pinned Post
A dash of Nostalgia The old F/AS\T Times Newsletters published by the NJ DDials: Attic Static, Flash Talk and Frankly Speaking
September, 2024
Friday, Sep 20 @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST
Select any station below connected to the DDial Network
Land of the Lost
has gone through many updates and changes. Special thank you to NITRON and company (KRL and warpus) for creating two incredible ANSI intro Banners. There are some familiar BBS-style screens for /? and /I, with more to come. Be sure to use SYNCTERM or NETRUNNER (80x25) for the extended color set.
LANDoftheLOST.ca 2300
BBS MRC Network
Over the last couple+ weeks, STACKFAULT has been building a Bridge for DDial into the MRC Network. The MRC is a slick chat interface installed on BBS's with a lot cool retro people like ourselves. If you would like to try out the actual MRC interface there are Many BBS's you can connect into for it; here are a few:
bbs.bottomlessabyss.net 2023 (StackFault)
telnet.holdfastbbs.ca 2323 (Nitron)
20forbeers.com 1337
dangerbaybbs.dyndns.org 1337
Times Two (RDial)
The newest RDIAL is hooked into the DDial Network. Well, it's still unofficial, and the actual domain is still yet to be released, but they are connected! (we'll keep you posted). Glad to have you aboard FALL GUY.
August, 2024
Great Meetup last Friday August 16!
We had about 20 lines filled and rotating for around 3 hours. Great to see some new and old handles; lots of laughs with some current, retro, and occasionally ridiculously fun conversations =)
See you on the next one at the end of September
Don't be a stranger, drop in to one of the DDial stations anytime
There is often a weekday crew lurking around
Re: Join us this Friday August 16 for an Online DDial/STS Meetup
9pm+ Eastern time
6pm+ Pacific time
Any of the connected ddials here will link you in
See you there Dialers!
February, 2024
So far this year has offered some exciting new updates. We have Three new DDial's connected to our network: Tanelorn NYC, Hard Drive Cafe and DenDial (see Active DDial's below for more info).
Magviz has also been working on an additional linking system to supplement Cotosnet; still in Beta mode but up and running and coming along nicely with auto relinking.
We have also heard some whisperings of a forthcoming new system based on STS but a whole lot more exctiing; when we know more, we'll let ya know =)
November, 2023
At Magviz DDIal+ we have implemented openAI Image Generation for community access. Simply type /image (description of the image you wish to create) and the picture will show up in the gallery and be available to share with others. It has been a lot of fun, sparking conversation and creativity. Give it a try (members only)
A few random images created by users
May, 2023
Que has created some nostalgic magic! The all new RetroTerm, web accesible DDial connection to Carriersync with a retro look, feel and speed.. 300-1200 baud. Check it out at https://retroterm.carriersync.com
Chat GPT / OpenAI finds its way to Magviz. We have 8 different user profiles you can interact with. Thank you to those that helped fund the API to create an added layer of entertainment on Magviz.
April, 2023
Carriersync has a new facelift plus fully updated information. For more details on Retro-Dial or if you want to own and operate your own DDial Station visit carriersync.com.
March, 2023
One of our members, Tom Servo #179, has created their own chat system! You can connect within the top right panel on Magviz or go directly to Connect2400.com.
IRC is Connected on Magviz! I-R-wuuuh?! Ya you heard it, we have branched out and connected to the Internet Relay Chat. We have 2 types of connections taking place.
The first is a dedicated channel on the network irc.libera.chat:6667 #ddial which is connected to the Magviz main channel T1 and visible across the Cotosnet link. People can now search and find us on the IRC and be bridged right in. Users on the IRC will appear as line numbered guests with the ability to /p.
The second are 2 dedicated channels to specific groups on the IRC. Located in T2 are the Commodore64 Friends, and T3 the MRC BBS Slackers (a group of over 120 BBS's linked into chat). The MRC group can be very active and does a meetup every Friday at 3pm EST; a good group of people. These 2 channels log you in as an individual telnet conection with your username, unlike the mass proxy connection on T1. For optimal chatting, use the Subchannel panel to connect to these groups allowing you to have split chat windows.
February, 2023
The history of GinsuTalk (GTALK) The fascintating history behind the birth of the most sophisticated chat platform from the 90's. Read More
Magviz DDial+ Upgrade During December and January the user interface for Magviz was being overhauled for a more modern take on ddial (desktop only). Now displaying three vertical columns with individual panels allowing for a richer experience (all enhancements are sizable and hideable allowing the end user to still choose a barebones interface if preferred).
There is a new SubChannel panel allowing you to be on a second independent channel for games and chat, improved Help and Commands module, updaed Email and Font selector module, Plus on Channel T2 and T3 we have linked into the MRC and IRC for additional chatting with Retro BBS'ers and C64 fanatics. Login to Magviz DDial+
January, 2023
The Jungle STS is Resurrected! Over 30 years ago The Jungle STS reigned supreme for the largest online Chat System in NJ, and now after much effort from the orignal owner, Marc has rebuilt the vintage Synergy Teleconferecing System offering 16 lines of connection. See below for ways to connect.
November, 2022
ENTchat is Back! After nearly 20 years we have resurrected the first PC Clone DDial and it's fully linked up with Cotosnet. See below for ways to connect.
DIALterm v1.0 is online serving Carriersync, Digitaldial and ENTchat for Web and Mobile access. Simply click on the Web Access links and connect to any of these Telnet DDials on any device hassle free. Read more
October, 2022
After 20 years we finally have a Facelift. We have made modern updates to the architecture while trying to maintain a look and feel that reflects some of that retro memory; a tricky feat, but we hope you enjoy the updates =) If you wish to send feedback or are interested in submitting page content, contact us.
During 2022 much has happened in the DDial community. We have seen a resurrgence of acitvity brought on by Magviz as well as the fulltime linking of telnet DDials brought to you by Cotosnet. It has been an exciting year to see so much acitivity and interest back online, and we look forward to what's next.
There are currently 11 platforms that are online and active, including original vintage systems, telnet systems, and web accessible systems. All platforms with the Icon are permanently linked togther, which means logging into any one of them connects you with ALL of them for group chat.
Web DDial+ (web)
A modern new take on the original DDial, STS and GTalk platforms. Single click web access including mobile devices, Magviz offers a fresh approach while still keeping the classic barebones style available for the "old schoolers". Three multi player games, a BBS style discussion board, IRC channel, integrated AI, a SubChannel panel, and a whole host of new and fun commands.
Sysop: Winter
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
ANSI/BBS DDial (telnet)
Land of the Lost: A custom built Telnet DDial featuring ANSI Color, ANSI graphics, Baud Rates and more. A work always in progress, but fully ready for old school chat with color and some fun BBS style enhancemnts.
LandOfTheLost.ca 2300 Use
SyncTerm or Netrunner
Sysop: t3rminal fr0st, aka Winter
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Original STS (telnet/web)
The original Jungle STS by Marc. Vintage system rebuilt on an 80286, running on a DOS operating system and offering 16 lines of chat!
Sysop: Marc
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Original Clone (telnet/web)
Original re-written DDial on Linux dating back to the mid/late 90's.
Type entchat when prompted for "login"
Sysop: DaveZX
Type /e000 for a Password (include email and ### you want)
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
DenDial (telnet)
DENDIAL, years in the making, this EPIC new DDial was created by Den and offers all you would expect and a whole lot more; extended features for sysops, cosysops and members alike and one hell of a wicked console. DenDial redefines "diversi" and is built on a rock solid structure for Windows, Linux and Mac. Currently released as BETA, but soon to become the leader in 21st century dialing. Congratulations Den, this is a piece of Art.
Sysop: Den
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Retro Dial (telnet/web)
Retro-Dial is a telnet-accessable chat server based on the Diversi-Dial system created by Bill Basham in the early 1980's. The look and feel of Retro-Dial is almost exactly the same as D-Dial, as are many of the commands, although some command structures have been changed and some new functionality added. R-Dial is also completely link compatible with D-Dial.
Sysop: Que?
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Retro Dial (telnet/web)
DigitalDial established in 2008, online 24/7 via telnet. Software RetroDial V1.5 Final installed on Raspberry-Pi. For more information visit the site. Been DDialin since 1987 and was a member of a few systems such as The Jungle, Interchat, FlashTalk, Central Control, and Savage Frontier. que is the guru cOder of the RetroDial project and so here we all are still in existent, imagine that!
Sysop: SwitchBlade
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Retro Dial (telnet/web)
Tanelorn is the latest DDial-esque chat system using RetroDial v1.5. Tanelorn was established January, 5 2024 running 24/7 on a Raspberry Pi4. While Tanelorn is has not been around since the 80s/90s like the other systems here, the SysOP has been involved with several DDials for nearly 10 years, starting around mid 1986. We love Table Top Role Playing Games! If you do too, come over and chat with us!
Sysop: Shim
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Retro Dial (telnet/bbs)
The Hard Drive Cafe BBS and DDIal. The BBS has been running since 1993, true retained retro.. be sure to check it out. HDCafe Ddial is running on an RDIAL v1.5 by a sysop that know his shit and is smart as hell! We love him, so hit it up! We expect new and interesting things from this young lad at heart.
Sysop: PapaSmurFH
BBS: hdcbbs.com
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Retro Dial (telnet/bbs)
Sysop: Fall Guy
BBS: timemachinebbs.ddns.net
There are currently 16 Users connected via the DDial network
Original DDial (telnet)
An original DDial running on a vintage Apple || system, resurrected in 2012. Modern enhancements allow connections to be made via telnet directly with the original 300 baud modems. Get your Retro on today and connect into the only remaining original DDial.
Sysop: DJ
Interested in being a Sysop and running your own RDial (ddial)? Now you can with Retro Dial; A full blown ddial system that you can run and operate on any 32-bit or 64-bit Linux system with a network connection. Setup is quick and easy plus lifetime upgrades & updates. Start yours today with the ability to link to any ddial. Visit Carriersync.com for all the details.